Mergers and acquisitions might have their positive aspects, but dealing with the transition is not easy.
This kind of change can cause your staff members to feel vulnerable and unsettled. How do you handle this kind of uncertainty in the workplace, and how do you put your team at ease? Here are some solutions to ensure your transition period runs as smoothly as possible.
Show leadership
Mergers or acquisitions are the result of a company working towards a brighter vision for the future. The growth may even have been a goal of the company’s management from day one. However, people typically struggle with change even if it is for the better. Once in their comfort zone, your staff may feel uncertain during a transition of this scale.
During a time like this, excellent leadership can go a long way in helping staff members feel more secure about the changes on the horizon. Leaders who encourage their staff, engage with them about their worries and communicate effectively will help put people at ease.
Communicate often and clearly
In all things, effective communication that is clear and honest will go a long way towards minimising your staff members’ fears during a merger or acquisition. Explain clearly and specifically what kind of changes they should expect.
Listen to your staff members to understand their fears and concerns. Find out what is making them feel vulnerable or unsettled. You will probably find that many share the same concerns or reservations. Open communication between staff members and the management team will reduce their stress during a time of transition.
Develop a culture of positivity
The importance of a positive culture in an office cannot be understated. During a time of transition, the ethos of support, communication, and excitement about new opportunities and growth can transform a worried team into an enthusiastic group that is passionate about the change and ready to meet it head-on. If your staff are encouraged to see this transition as a good thing, morale will be boosted significantly.
If your staff feel uncertain or vulnerable during the transition, it is up to management to quell their fears and help them see the merger or acquisition as the exciting opportunity it is.
Need help with the transition period during your accounting firm’s merger or acquisition? Your Business First can help! Contact us to find out more.