Implement Additional Services


Help Your Clients Make Better Decisions

Your clients value advisory services more than ever. What they need from their Accountant are the insights and strategies to help them make better and more informed business decisions.

In this guide, Darren provides a step by step process on HOW to create an additional service offering and implement it to your clients.

The guide walks you through who needs to be involved, the infrastructure required, and of course, issues you need to consider.

As your firm works through this guide you will be able to:

Step 1 – Identify the key needs, priorities and critical problems your clients have.

Step 2 – Identify which services you need to offer your clients to meet their needs, align with their priorities and address critical problems.

Step 3 – Determine how your services solve the problems your clients have.

Step 4 – Consider and decide how you will provide the services to your clients.

Step 5 – How to price your advisory services.

Step 6 – How to test the market for your service or offering.

Step 7 – Mapping out and implementing the Marketing Plan.
